Pediatric Hepatobiliary Surgery

Home Pediatric Hepatobiliary Surgery
Pediatric hepatobiliary surgery in Pune

Pediatric hepatobiliary surgery is a specialized field of surgery that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of liver and biliary disorders in children.
Dr. Geeta Kekre is a leading Pediatric hepatobiliary surgeon in Pune. She has over 10 years of experience in treating a wide range of liver and biliary disorders in children. She is known for her expertise in minimally invasive surgery, including laparoscopic and robotic surgery.

Dr. Geeta Kekre offers a comprehensive range of pediatric hepatobiliary services including :

  1. Diagnosis and treatment of neonatal and pediatric liver diseases, such as jaundice, hepatitis, and cirrhosis
  2. Treatment of biliary disorders, such as choledochal cysts and biliary atresia
  3. Liver transplantation
  4. Pancreaticoduodenectomy (Whipple procedure)
  5. Splenectomy
  6. Adrenalectomy

Why Choose Dr. Geeta Kekre for Pediatric Hepatobiliary Surgery in Pune?

Dr. Kekre is a highly skilled and experienced pediatric hepatobiliary surgeon in Pune. She is also a compassionate and caring doctor who is dedicated to providing her patients with the best possible outcomes.


Here are some of the reasons why you should choose Dr. Kekre for pediatric hepatobiliary surgery in Pune:

  1. She has over 10 years of experience in treating a wide range of liver and biliary disorders in children.
  2. She is an expert in minimally invasive surgery, including laparoscopic and robotic surgery.
  3. She offers a comprehensive range of pediatric hepatobiliary services.
  4. She is committed to providing her patients with the highest quality of care.

Doctors Availability

Dr. Geeta Kekre is attached with the different hospitals in Pune.

Call Us

You can make a call to Book an Appointment with Dr. Geeta Kekre the Best Paediatric Surgeon & Paediatric Urologist in Pune.


Make an Appointment

Book an Appointment with Dr. Geeta Kekre she is the Best Paediatric Surgeon & Paediatric Urologist who specialises in Minimal Access Surgery for infants and children using Robotic surgery, Laparoscopy and Thoracoscopy in Pune.

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